Inland to Coast

Just larger than macro. Wide angle closeup view of the world where texture and color details are interesting and enthralling. Fascinating features of everyday items. Fallen leaves and petals. nuts and corals, moss and bark.

Photography is about seeing the world as it is and remembering it better. Capturing the beauty of nature as a souvenir that brings back a feeling of what it was like to be there. And more. Looking at the world through a viewfinder can be tedious. It can seem to the photographer and others that we don’t want to let go and see the world for what it is. Always trying to capture a smaller, square, “perfectly” composed aspect of the world. But it has to be worth it, right? To remember it all in a way that feels good. Brings joy. The details, the intricacy. The faces and friendships. A passing moment that is recalled on print. On a screen and in our hearts.
